Thursday, July 16, 2015

HodgePodge Vacay Part 1

The HodgePodge packed up and went on its first beach trip in TWO YEARS! It's been too long... Here's a glimpse of how it all went down.

Day 1: Brady didn't say hardly two words and never cracked a smile. He was being so cool and independent (don't even THINK about trying to rub in his sunscreen!) I forced a smile out of him for this pic.

Day 2: The ocean was more beautiful than I have ever seen it. Brady started coming around, and I was thrilled that my boys were obsessed with the ocean to the point of me not being able to get them to leave the beach.

Day 3: Highlights of the day included riding the banana boat in very choppy waters, Mason becoming an able and avid swimmer, and me getting deep into my current novel (The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie). You simply must read it!

The fact that I can even read a book at the beach is a testament to just how big the boys are getting. I must admit I did not envy those mommas with babies and toddlers one single time. I just whispered quiet prayers for a few of the more frazzled looking ones.


  1. The time is coming when I can read at the beach again?!? Hallelujah! I thought those days were over...

    1. Patience, grasshopper! But yes, your time is coming!
