Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Meals: Honey Chicken Stir Fry

Today's meal has endless variations, so you can make it twice a week and no one will really know.

Boneless, skinless chicken breast (breast, cutlets, or tenderloins)
Mixed vegetables (fresh or frozen; local, organic preferred)
3 TBS honey (local, organic preferred)
1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1 TBS marinade (such as Moore's)

You will need two skillets (cast iron or ceramic) and two cooking utensils.

Cut chicken into cubes or strips.  Cut vegetables if necessary.  Today, I used fresh vegetables from the garden (squash, zucchini, and green beans), but I often use a frozen California blend.

In one skillet, cook chicken in marinade over medium-high heat.  Stir just enough to keep chicken from sticking.

In another skillet, cook vegetables in 1 TBS olive oil and 1 TBS honey over low-medium heat.  (If using a microwave steamable bag, cook as directed on package and add to chicken as soon as chicken is cooked.)

As chicken is almost finished, add 1 TBS of honey.  As vegetables are almost finished, add 1 TBS of honey.

Throw in a side dish, such as a fruit salad, and you're done!

Okay, so I know these directions are extremely vague, but that's because there is no set way of making stir fry.  The measurements are "guesstimations," and I have no idea how long it will take (maybe 10 minutes) because it depends on the thickness of chicken and vegetables.  I apologize to you OCD folks that need explicit instructions!  And to really mess you up, here are some of the variations to make this one meal into many meals.

1. Use chicken, beef, or shrimp.
2. Use ANY vegetables.  (Onions and peppers make a totally different meal than cauliflower and carrots!)
3. Use ANY spice or seasoning in place of honey.  Sometimes I just do sea salt and black pepper.
4. Use ANY marinade or skip it altogether.  Sometimes I use soy sauce and sometimes just olive oil.
5. Mix it all together or plate it separately.

There's no "right" or "wrong" with this meal.  And sometimes it changes right in the middle (Oops, my chicken is sticking...add a little Moore's sauce!)  Have fun with this one, and let me know if you try it.

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